Sunday, November 21, 2010

Signs and Labels

Yes, we all know that direct translations often don't work.  At best they are funny, at worst unintelligible.  At a hotel in Suzhou last year, on the back of the door, there were English evacuation procedures in case of fire.  The trouble was, after reading it, I was none the wiser and would not have had a clue what to do or where to go!

So this week I am dedicating my blog to funny / interesting signs and labels and I am sure I will add to this as I see more.

Have a laugh or two!

And this means????

Yes, even in China!

The painted wall?

Yes, a grocery store tends to do that.

We call a spade a spade here!

No comment! At Yu Yuan Garden, Shanghai.

The slippery slope to hell?

A bit like throwing Christian to the lions?

Yes, your family's happiness would be rather spoiled if you fell the 20 meters into the Yalu River!


Would you wash yourself with Ellpoo?

At Expo


  1. Can't remember if it was body wash or shampoo, but either way........

  2. Trust you to come up with that disgusting thought, Jonathan! It was in the shower at the hotel, so if it is mayonnaise that is a funny place to keep it! :-)
